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We have always worked trying to reduce the impacts of our production on the environment, on the health and safety of workers.

Conceria Errepi Srl has always operated trying to combine the quality standards of its products with technological-organizational solutions aimed at preventing and/or reducing the impacts of its production on the environment, on the health and safety of workers.

Every company, in its own small way, can act as an engine in the fight against global warming.


For this reason, in 2017 Conceria Errepi Srl decided to undertake a path, involving its internal collaborators but above all the suppliers of the raw material, with the prospect of improving the following principles:

-Product quality

- Traceability of the hides input and output

- Environmental sustainability

- Health, safety and work ethics


This path allowed the company to obtain in 2018 the LWG certification getting the BRONZE medal.


The continuous control and monitoring of the use of natural resources, the use of chemical products, the involvement of suppliers have allowed Conceria Errepi Srl to earn the SILVER medal in 2019.

Carbon footprint of product

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CARBON FOOTPRINT is the parameter that allows you to determine the environmental impacts, usually expressed in KG of CO2 per m2 produced, calculated along the entire production chain, from slaughterhouse to delivery of the finished product.

Conceria Errepi Srl began this journey in 2021 to identify and manage the risks and responsibilities associated with harmful greenhouse gas emissions, directly or indirectly originating from its business.

In order to correctly undertake this path, Conceria Errepi Srl relied on the consultant EcamRicert Srl specialized in the matter. 


The study of the data was laborious since all the suppliers had to be involved up to the farm of origin. In July 2022, once the data collection was completed, it was supported with the certifier DNV Business Assurance Italy S.r.l. a control audit.


It was decided to adopt a methodology that allows GHG emissions to be determined according to the UNI EN ISO 14067:2018 model and the official certificate was issued in November 2022.


The path will proceed with steps 3 and 4 foreseen among the points that had already been set at the beginning of the project:


  1. Measure to measure emissions and understand climate risks.

  2. Define to define the target e the steps to reach it.

  3. Reduce to implement actions to reduce emissions.

  4. Compensate To balance the residual emissions by purchasing internationally recognized certificated credits.


The management, in fact, is planning for 2023 innovative technological investments that will reduce the environmental impact and will conduct the company to more ecologically responsible production.


As regards the residual CO2 emissions, on which it will not be possible to intervene, among the various environmental projects available, zeroing through COMPENSATION is being evaluated by acquiring internationally certified credits.  

Contact us for more information

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